Viet Nam Tours -
The Long Tan Trek (LTT) Tour 2017 and
The Decisive Battlefields of Vietnam (DBV) Tour 2017
The dates and visits for the 2017 Tours are now finalised.  The prices are based on quotes as at October 2016 so may be subject, like exchange rates, to some change later.  However, they are closely indicative.  Please download the Flyer and/or the Itinerary and share them with your friends, rellies, business associates, fellow club members and other contacts.  Thank you...
(Last updated 5 November 2016)

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2017 Flyer


2017 South Itinerary


2017 North Itinerary














Booking Form and
Terms and Conditions


-------------- LONG TAN TREK TOUR 2017 --------------


The 2017 Long Tan Trek Tour (LTT) and the 2017 Decisive Battlefields of Vietnam (DBV) Tour are now finalised.  Please see below for a downloadable FLYER and ITINERARY for each Tour, plus BOOKING FORM and full TERMS & CONDITIONS.

The dates are now confirmed:
     depart Australia Saturday 14 Oct 2017;
     depart VN Sunday 22 Oct 2017 Oct from the LTT Tour (arrive Aust 23rd am);
     join the Decisive Battlefields Tour in HCMC Sunday 22 Oct 2017;
     depart VN Saturday 4 November from the DBV Tour (arrive Aust Sun 5th am). 
    (This avoids School holidays, Grand Finals etc!)

We have retained very much the same formula as it has drawn so much good comment, and much the same visits and timings but with the significant differences noted below...


For the Long Tan Trek (LTT) 2017

The Long Tan Trek Tour starts off In Saigon where we do a city tour and have some time off for shopping etc on Sunday 15 Oct.  We visit Cu Chi on Monday 16th before going to Vung Tau for the rest of the week.  On Saturday 21st we return from Vung Tau to Saigon via Bien Hoa, Coral and Balmoral.  For those returning to Australia, most of the day Sunday 22 will be free time in Saigon.

There will be a hotel room for the group's use, so feel free to do some final shopping, see more of Saigon, or just hang out in the hotel's bistro/bar and watch the road and river traffic go by, or have a swim in the pool.  A great time to relax and unwind, 'coz the tour's been pretty hectic... ...with somewhere to freshen up before about 4pm when a coach will take you to the airport for your return flight.

And again, in response to comments from the earlier Tours, and by popular request, we'll have a free day in Vung Tau on Wednesday 18 October.  This will allow the Tour folks a day to "do their own thing", whether that be to return to Nui Dat to seek their old unit lines, or go to old areas of operation (if those areas are open for travel), see things not already on the itinerary, or just take some R&R in the town.  Maybe catch up with some of the ex-pats?

<--- Download the 2017 flyer (1 A4 page).



Here's the itinerary for the 2017 Long Tan Trek Tour:

                         (WARNING - Lots of pix so the itineraries are a bit large!)
<--- ...the 2017 South itinerary  (LTT) in PDF format
                         (The South itinerary is  12 A4 pages & 3Megs [as at 06 Oct 2016]).

On the completion of the Trek Tour on Sunday 22 Oct in Saigon, the Tour going North assembles at the airport and we start..... 




The Decisive Battlefields of Vietnam (DBV) Tour 2017

We've listened again - we went to Da Nang in 2010 but didn't go the extra 30 Km to Hoi An.  While not a battlefield, Hoi An is such an attraction that we spent two nights and a day there on the 2011 and Tours since.  That's retained in the 2017 plans.  A sort of R&R before launching into the DBV Tour.....

The rest of the DBV Tour very much follows the well-received format of the 2010 and subsequent Tours. But this year we add a day in Hue - there's a lot to see there that the Battlefield Tour omits.   And, yes, we've retained the R&R at Ha Long Bay - again, not a battlefield, but certainly a welcome recuperation after an intensive week of viewing Hue, the DMZ and points North.

<--- ...the 2017 North itinerary (DBV) in PDF format
                     (The North itinerary is 11 A4 pages & 3Megs
[as at 06 Oct 2016]).


If you read the Flyer or the Itinerary and want a great preview, then please view the Report of the 2010 Tour at:
                                 VN Long Tan Trek Tour 2010.html

or the Report of the 2011 Tour at:
                                VN Long Tan Trek Report 2011.html

or the Report of the 2012 Tour at:
                                VN Long Tan Trek Report 2012.html

or the Report of the 2013 Tour at:
                                VN Long Tan Trek Report 2013.html

or the Report of the 2014 Tour at:
                                VN Long Tan Trek Report 2014.html

(There was no tour North in 2013 and no tour at all in 2015 because the focus in that year was the 100th Anniversary of the Gallipoli landings and some events on the Western Front.  The 2016 Report is being built currently.)

The Reports are statements of what the Tours did, supported by photographs taken and contributed by those on the Tours.  Read what the folks on the Tours thought and said about it.  And then at the end there's a few "out-take" pictures you might find amusing - they did.


So - please read and consider joining us and visiting not only Long Tan but many other battle-sites you know about and have only ever dreamt of visiting - Dien Bien Phu, Khe Sanh, Hue...


If you want to review the BOOKING FORM (2 A4 pages) and the FULL TERMS and CONDITIONS (1 A4 page), then please download the PDF files here.


And as you will see from the Tour comments - there's lots to keep the ladies interested - as well as Saigon and Hanoi, there's Ha Long Bay, Hoi An and now Hue.  And I might add that they all wanted to see the battlefields as much as the men did.

So - please pass the flyer on, pin it up at the office or in the club, add it into your newsletter, bring a mate, form a group, if there's enough of you interested, we'll make a group only for you for a date you all agree on - just use the "Contact Dave" web page.

Thanks for your interest in visiting this page.  We'd be only too happy to go with you to visit the Decisive Battlefields of the Three Indo-China Wars.

Dave and Di Sabben.

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